The Jack tree or Jackfruit is a species of tree in the family Moraceae which includes trees like fig, breadfruit and mulberry. It is believed that the centre of origin of the Jackfruit tree is in the region between the Western Ghats of southern India to the rainforests of Borneo. The Jack tree bears the largest fruit of all trees weighing 55 kg (120 lb), 90 cm (35 in) length, 50 cm (20 in) in diameter and it is well suited to the tropical low lands.
About 100 to 200 fruits can be produced by a mature Jack tree in a year and it is a multiple fruit which composed of hundreds to thousands of individual flowers and also the fleshy unripe fruit is used to eat by many groups of people. The young jackfruit or the immature unripe fruit has a mild taste and the meat-like texture lends itself to being a meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans. Desserts are more often made by the ripe fruit which is much sweeter and also considering the variety.

In 1498, when the Portuguese arrived in India at Kozhikode on the Malabar coast the name too introduced by them. From the Portuguese word Jaca the Malayalam word Chakka or Chakka Pazham for the Jackfruit. As evidenced by the fact that the Southeast Asian names are for the fruit are derived from the Sanskrit roots, the Jackfruit or Jack tree was domesticated independently in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
The evergreen tree easily reaches heights of 10 to 20 metres with trunk diameters 30 to 80 centimetres and it also has a relatively short trunk with a dense treetop. In the event of injury to the reddish-brown and smooth bark, a milky juice is released.
There are both male and female flowers on a tree and therefore Jackfruit trees are monoecious.
With subtle flavour, ripe Jackfruits are naturally sweet and it is used to make a variety of dishes including cakes, custards, etc.
The aroma of the fruit distinctive sweet and fruity and it is known to emit a strong aroma when it is fully ripe and unopened and also the inside gives a smell of pineapple and banana. The seeds are often used as a commercial alternative to chocolate aroma after roasting.
In Kerala and other southern states, jackfruit trees can be seen almost everywhere and different varieties are widely produced every year. Also, it is an unavoidable part of southern cuisine. For breakfast jackfruit dosas, idlis, curry are also made from the fruit and the seeds are also used. Lot of traditions are around this tree. The almost every part of the tree is used in one or other people like leaves are used as spoons in olden days, also leaves are the favourite food item of the goats, etc. The fruit and even the seeds has a lot of nutritional values. Also, the tree itself provides oxygen and other basic needs to us.

Jack fruits are very organic ones and they are grown in a natural way without any special care in Kerala.
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